INTRODUCTION g The origin of gothic subculture
Gothic subculture originated in eighteen century, where the gothic literature took place. There are a couple samples of the literature of gothic, such as the book, which wrote by Horace Walpole in year of 1717 and in 1797, whilst people actually believed the gothic started, when the first single song of Bauhaus in 1979 released, which called “Bela Lugosi’s Dead”
According to the statement of the sociologist, Paul Hodkinson, in his book Goth: Identity, style and subculture, Gothic has the elements of punk and glam rock as well as new romantic, which were moderately merged together into a distinctive type of fashion and music that have been categorized …show more content…
There are also some reasons why these people turns into Goths.
Most of the adolescents who become a Goth, are because they are searching for the social acceptance among their friends and society. However, in contrary, the other’s turning are caused by the school difficulties, who felt alienated and isolated, and this is one of the way they are trying to express themselves particularly in theirs’ feeling. Nevertheless, the other reasons besides the social deviance is the pleasure and entertainment which some people just tend to appreciate and enjoy the music, or the imagination or fantasy of the game that usually found in the category of role – playing.
The majority inclines to be the non-violent people who is passive, peace lover (pacifist) and tolerant. Where the others, in the contrary, can reveal the signs of violence, anger as well as depression. Regardless of how they act within their surrounding, Goths are often has high – level of intelligence than the common average of people, and are very well - educated or erudite, as well as creative and …show more content…
- “More Gothic Than Thou” this phrase is used to appointed a snobbish attitude. However, it also designated for the people who always take themselves solemnly.
- Net.Goth
This is the term for gothic people who regularly post to the newsgroup of the alt.gothic and have an absolute popularity of their existence, among the community of internet Goth.
- Perky Goth
These are the people who like and enjoy the style and music of gothic, but don’t like the attitude of some Goths have, which called Doom and Gloom. This Goths usually try not to take themselves too solemnly and never fret about themselves. Moreover, Perky Goths love to have fun and excitement. For examples they love to wear body glitter, a combination of black and the other colours of clothing.
- Satanists
This is a very small sub – divisions, whose individuals can be found in nearly any random division of people. In addition, Satanist are not completely a Goth.
- Ultra