Was there another side to the Virgin’s image? In the Gothic era, when it was popular for artist to create images and symbols of the Virgin Mary, began the Cult of the Virgin. Many artists focused on the Virgin Mary with Christ as the main topic in their art work. Did all the creations made of the Virgin portray her as good? Could some of the artists want to give a negative interpretation of the Virgin that could have only been seen through the artist’s eye and the eye of the beholder? I ask this question for the mere fact that anything regarding religion usually is controversial and I wonder if the symbol of the Virgin could have had another side to the story. There are many virgins from our history that people have made into icons. There is the virgin goddess, Athena, the Virgin Eleousa, Theotokos and the Virgin of Guadalupe, just to name a few. However, the virgin I’ve chosen to focus on will be the ever so popular and worldly known female icon of all times, the Virgin Mary also known as the mother of Jesus Christ. Mary’s date of birth and date of death are unknown. The details of her story told are based on her giving birth to our Savior, Jesus Christ through Immaculate Conception. It is believed that she conceived Jesus by God without any physical human contact. Meaning when she gave birth, she was officially still a virgin. For this amazing act that could only be carried out by God had placed her on a high and respected status of the virgin who gave birth to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Many people from all religious beliefs through out the world can relate and know the Virgin Mary. This version told has made her a famous and cherished female icon in regions through out the world. The Virgin Mary will always be remembered in the past, present and into the future as the mother of Jesus Christ. The proof of her popularity is shown in all the creations devoted with her image and child or just of her image alone
Cited: Alone of All Her Sex: the myth and cult of the Virgin Mary By Marina Warner Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art By James Hall, Kenneth Clark Likeness and Presence By Hans Belting, Edmund Jephcott "Mary (mother of Jesus)." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 9 Dec 2008, 22:11 UTC. 12 Dec 2008 . "Gothic art." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 19 Nov 2008, 19:39 UTC. 12 Dec 2008 .