During the past 7 years I have had the opportunity to teach Students with Disabilities (SWD) at a high school level and also to train teachers, in my current position as a Special Education School Improvement Specialist with RSE-TASC (Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Center). Although the achievement gap is true for most student populations in NYC schools, the discrepancy is particularly daunting for the SWD and /ELL populations. In fact what we often find is that extraordinary numbers of ELL students are being referred to special education…
As literature concerning mental health and academic disabilities grow, so too are the needs for specialized delivery of services in special education. Hughes and Valle-Riestra provide an interesting critique of the implications of IDEA 2004. The renewal of IDEA broadened the delivery of special education services, specifically that paraprofessionals, when properly trained, could deliver services to students (CITE J).…
Today’s student population can perhaps be summed up in one word: stimulating. The classroom environment is ever-changing the scope of the paradigm in which academic achievement is considered. The special education (SPED) environment is no exception. In accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), the assumption that resources adequately meet the changes in SPED programs is perhaps more common than not; however, vague disabilities, such as emotional-behavioral disorders (EBDs), are often under-detected due to the fluency of its symptoms. By not having a clear depiction of a student who’s considered EBD, how does the SPED team sufficiently demonstrate capacity to provide transitional and support services?…
John Harris, an executive director of Special Education also emphasized the importance to review multiple measures of data and research to provide effective management practices and decision-making. From John’s presentation, I have learned many new things that will be useful for my administration carrier and decision making. I have learned about Special Education funding, the IEP timeline and qualification process. Several real-life scenarios helped me to see things from a different perspective and think more like an administrator. Understanding of how California’s disabled students are served is the first step…
One passion we as educators all share is the love for our students. Those of us who chose the path of working with special education students especially know that genuine place we have in our hearts for teaching students disabilities with learning disabilities. Over the last few decades, more awareness about these disabilities has florist throughout our nation. Many advocates of their time have fought to educate these students in order to help them overcome their struggle. Over time we see the long protect the rights of the students and provide them with the restrictive environment settings in order to provide an equal but adequate education. Despite the fact services are an essential part of protecting a student with special needs rights; it cannot be at the cost of their education either. If the student is able to complete the work at the same annual yearly progress as the general education population, proper services whether it be assistive technology or a personal aide, must be provided to the student. The services not only help students’ with special needs successfully graduate school but it provides them a promising future. Graduating with the tools and knowledge needed to survive on their own, students are now becoming functioning members of our society. As the candidate for my interview, I chose Dr.Gerard Crisinino, special education director of Jersey City Pubic School. He has instilled within him that compassion for working with these children and dedicated the last 30 years of his life to providing services for those students in need. Therefore, he was the perfect advocate to answer the following interview questions.…
| Foundations-Teachers must understand the field as an evolving and changing discipline based on philosophies, evidence-based principles and theories, laws and policies, diverse and historical points of view.-Teachers must also understand the influences of society on the special education field.Development of Learners-Teachers must be able to differentiate amid each student’s special disabilities and each type of learning mode.-Teachers will recognize the learning impact on students is not theirs alone but involves family and the community.-Teachers…
In this paper I will discuss what exactly is a Special Educator, what education is needed to become one, salary, job outlook, and work environment. I have also interviewed a Special Educator and I will discuss how she feels about being a Special Educator.…
Rosenberg, M. S., Westling, D. L., & McLeskey, J. (2008). Special education for today’s teachers: An introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall.…
High-school is a very important part of students lives. How one does during high-school will greatly affect their future and which college they go to. Getting into college you want can be very hard. I want to attend the University of Southern California (USC), although their undergraduate admissions are very competitive. Approximately 20% of the people who apply get accepted.…
When I arrived on the campus of Southern University where the C.E.L.T program is housed I observed the routines and skills the students had acquired. Everyone knew their role and followed the classroom’s expectations. The C.E.L.T program is an extension of the Caddo Parish School Board Special Education Department. After graduation from high school, students transition to this program which is housed on the campus of a local university. The field experience was completed between the dates of Thursday, February 14- Friday, February 15, 2013. I completed ten hours of field experience in this classroom setting assisting the teacher in differentiated instruction and reinforcement. The class was comprised of students with intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, and emotional/behavior disabilities, all of which received instruction in one setting.…
People are always reading about what others did or what they are going to do. What if you had the chance to write about your accomplishments or even your life? Most would love to live the life of the American dream, being wealthy. However, I personally do not want to live that American dream, I rather create my own dream. Do not get me wrong, I have the goals, the grades, the leadership and even a career plan.…
The Special Education program serves the rural county in the mid-south region of the United States. The Special Education Program is currently serving one- hundred students in the school district (four schools). A little under half of the faculty that is in the special education program possesses a graduate degree, and the other staff members have a bachelor degree in Special Education or add-on endorsements. The paraeducators have completed the highly-qualified assessment and in-service programs. The Special Education program evaluation consist of four schools (two middle schools and two high schools) with students with disabilities with a demographic of 85% Caucasian students, 10% African American students, 1% Asian students, and 4% Hispanic…
Currently, my practicum placement is at an agency that specializes in Social Emotional Learning. Many of the children who attend Social Sparks have a diagnosis or disability that impacts their social and emotional develop such as Anxiety, ADD/ADHD, Autism, and other similar diagnoses. The focal point of all curriculum and activities to help the children better understand their feelings and learn skills to help regulate their emotions helping with the too big too fast reactions often associated with poor regulation and coping strategies. The books read during circle time talk about the challenges of hearing…
My most prized possession is my mental stability and ethical background that I have acquired from my southern upbringing. Growing up in a rural community in the south and being reared by elderly parents allowed my seeds of character and respect to be nurtured by an entire village of people who saw my potential and wanted to see me succeed and thus pushed and prayed for my wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. As a child, series of unique experiences of being able to develop intimate and loving relationships with almost everyone in my community made me appreciate the influence of everyone on my life. It was not long before I realized that no matter how old or young, rich or poor, or educated a person was, everyone contributed to humanity’s niche…
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.…