In 2020, it is predicted that India will overtake the U.S. in the number of college graduates, second only to China. At this quickening pace, India’s young, newly educated labor force could indeed level the global playing field very quickly. Beyond the numbers, the quantity of graduates may not translate to the quality of education received. India is well-suited to continue to offer much in the way of technological and professional business positions for many domestic and western firms but it may not be able to compete unless the quality of its post-secondary education addresses gaps in its infrastructure.
India’s Burgeoning College Graduation Rate and Its Implications
Recently, in watching YouTube videos in class and discussing statistics in the context of Freidman’s ‘global flattening’ concept, I pondered further the implications of India’s explosion of college graduates. It was colloquially mentioned that India is graduating students from colleges and universities at a far greater pace than America; and admittedly, I’ve been quite intrigued by this feat and its implications.
India’s education system is divided into different levels including pre-primary, primary elementary, secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate level. Cheney, Ruzzi, and Muralidharan (2005) explain that India employs a 10 + 2 + 3 format which is comprised of 10 years of primary and some secondary school, 2 years of higher secondary school and 3 years (if accepted) of post-secondary education at institutions ranging from universities, colleges and vocational schools. Control and funding for education takes place at the local, state and national level (“India 2009” 2009). Like many other nations, India has sought to improve education at all levels. Since gaining independence in 1947, India has launched a variety of reforms
References: Anand, G. (2011, April 5). India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703515504576142092863219826.html Baer, J.D., Cook, A., Baldi, S Masani, Z. (Presenter). (2008, February 28). India still Asia 's reluctant tiger. BBC News. [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7267315.stm Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India World Bank Databank (2012). World population by country. [Data file]. Retrieved from data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL