The review of the literature for this study focuses on procedures used to identify teaching and learning styles and what effect a match between the two has on student learning outcomes and evaluation of instructors. The review focuses on a number of different instruments used to identify teaching and learning styles. The chapter begins with a definition of learning styles, teaching styles, and matching, followed by the findings of researchers using various instruments to measure learning and teaching styles.
The research outcomes germane to learning styles, teaching styles, and a match between the two in relation to course grades, final exam scores, and instructor evaluations are discussed. Related Literature
Computerized Enrollment Sytem
This proposal also tells us how automation and computer software greatly accelerate human technological processes and advancement.
A software development and IT service firm implemented its catalyst in Governor Andres Pascual College was integrated web platform to provide content management, transaction processing, marketing and interactive community functions to the two rice schools. The content management tools of the Jones school staff edits update or add to the volume of curriculum and event information without calling for technical assistance. It simply cut and paste document into the content management system for consisting and publish to the web in the school. The study focuses on creating computerize inventory system for the Jones school.
This chapter presents the different literature and studies that are related and relevant to this research. This chapter also tells us how automation and computer software greatly accelerate human technological processes and advancement.
Foreign Literature
India’s higher education system is the third largest in the world, after China and United State. The main governing body at