They are met with less resistance than a violent demonstration, and if they are met with violence it only empowers their message. It shows that those that are promoting the potential oppression are wrong, because the only way they can respond is through violence and not reason. That same violence also creates censorship for people with differing opinions which creates a society that is oppressed and unaware. Far from what we as American’s want from a free society. It encourages thought and discussion rather than senseless violence. Resistance shows that the people do care for
They are met with less resistance than a violent demonstration, and if they are met with violence it only empowers their message. It shows that those that are promoting the potential oppression are wrong, because the only way they can respond is through violence and not reason. That same violence also creates censorship for people with differing opinions which creates a society that is oppressed and unaware. Far from what we as American’s want from a free society. It encourages thought and discussion rather than senseless violence. Resistance shows that the people do care for