
Greatest Revolutions Of Change Have Been The Product Of Peaceful Protest

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Greatest Revolutions Of Change Have Been The Product Of Peaceful Protest
Some of the greatest revolutions of change have been the product of peaceful protest. Peaceful resistance impacts society in a positive manner by showing participation by the people and not indifference or apathy. It encourages the changing of ideas and not the destruction of them. Violence is an easier manner in which to get your point across but it does not last and endangers everyone. It creates a strong resistance against that idea, and only encourages more bloodshed as the victim becomes the victimizer. Peaceful protest is more meaningful because it shows resistance without directly antagonizing the people against a new change. Some of the greatest revolutions of change have occurred through peaceful protest. The people who come to mind are Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. Martin Luther King changed a whole nation's thoughts on civil rights for the minority through peaceful protest. Today, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential members of the Civil Rights movements in America. Gandhi on the other hand, changed the thinking of two nations through the use of peaceful civil disobedience against the British government encouraging Indian independence. Gandhi is now one of the most renown people in the world for his use of civil disobedience to create India’s …show more content…
They are met with less resistance than a violent demonstration, and if they are met with violence it only empowers their message. It shows that those that are promoting the potential oppression are wrong, because the only way they can respond is through violence and not reason. That same violence also creates censorship for people with differing opinions which creates a society that is oppressed and unaware. Far from what we as American’s want from a free society. It encourages thought and discussion rather than senseless violence. Resistance shows that the people do care for

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