The Zuni people are a beautiful example of a positive relationship between not only their …show more content…
The Zuni and Hopi peoples’ pantheon is also a perfect exhibit of what they value in their own culture. Their gods care for those they consider kin, even going so far as to spring them from an impressively hellish pit of pure darkness, and they are personable, making sure to care for and reassure their people on their journey to the land of the light. These traits their gods exhibit show that the people themselves are more aware of and closer to their people. Contrary to the Grecian gods, who quibble and fight, and leave their people to hash out their lives on their own. The Zuni and Hopi peoples also place a high value on helping each other, and on equality. Therefore, they have mythos in which their gods are concerned for their welfare, and take time to assure them that they are safe. They create special guardians, such as the “Spider Grandmother, a traditional helper and donor” (Mythology 98) or the “Water Spider…helper to the Anasazi” (Mythology 98). Both beings are meant to help, and to guide. To show the Zuni and the Hopi peoples how to achieve their place in the world. With Hopi and Zuni myths, all things must have a role or a place, they must be in balance with nature, and therefore their gods must follow the pattern, be both in an order and balance of their own, and have the purpose of enforcing