Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Department of Humanities
AP/HUMA 1105 9.0 Myth and Imagination in Ancient Greece and Rome
Course Web Site: https://moodle.yorku.ca/moodle/course/view.php?id=493
Course Director: Dr. Donald Burke 250 Vanier College dab135@yorku.ca Tel. (416) 736-2100 ext. 70476
Course Secretary: Rowena Linton 209 Vanier College Tel. (416) 736-2100 ext. 33214
Expanded course description and learning objectives
This course introduces students to many of the key mythical narratives of the ancient Greeks and Romans through a close reading of primary texts in English translation. Together we will explore the mythical worlds of the ancient Greeks and Romans as the poets of these civilizations depicted them in their epic poetry and tragedy. As one of the Department of Humanities Foundations courses AP/HUMA 1105 9.0 is a nine-credit course with a critical skills component. Students will attend two one-hour lectures and one two-hour tutorial per week. Some of the critical skills students will develop in the course include analytical skills in interpreting primary texts, participating in discussion and debate in tutorials, developing arguments, and writing essays.
Required Texts:
1) Aeschylus, Oresteia, trans. C. Collard (Oxford World 's Classics)
2) Euripides, Bacchae, trans. Paul Woodruff (Hackett)
3) Hesiod, Works and Days and Theogony, trans. Stanley Lombardo (Hackett)
4) Homer, The Iliad, trans. Robert Fitzgerald (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux)
5) Homer, The Odyssey, trans. Robert Fitzgerald (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux)
6) Virgil, The Aeneid, trans. R. Fitzgerald (Vintage, 1990)
Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays CLH L 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Tutorial Sections:
|Section |Time and Location |Tutorial Leader |Contact Details |
|1 |M 8:30-10:30 VH