Kris frustrated by the situation pushed Chris away, she was pissed, not only she had lost Maya of sight, besides she was injured in her leg by Chris. She couldn't couldn’t believe that the cause of all the problems she had today were caused by that insignificant elf.
-”Wait!? Were you the one who did this?!” Chris and Kris screamed.
Kris’ POV.
I woke up feeling great, better than ever, therefore I decided to go to the Tavern with Maya, my pet dragon. As I got there, I could hear people discussing from the inside of the Tavern. When I got to the place, I finally heard what apparently everyone was talking about. They were talking about some kind of weird creature that wanted to control our whole world, due to it lived in the underworld realm. I really didn’t care at all, it seemed boring, hence I proceeded to get my bow and arrows which I used to practice my aim at the borderline of the underworld. It is silent and calm, that’s why I like it there. When I got there, it felt normal, nothing really seemed to be different, little did I knew that going there was a huge mistake. I …show more content…
started walking to my very own spot where I practice. Maya came with me, she was playing with the leafs that falled from the trees. Suddenly, she started to act really weird, I thought she had seen a fairy since Maya always tries to eat them. Oh, I was damn wrong. Furthermore out of nothing she started to flap her wings and then, she ran away. Chris’ POV.
It was a beautiful morning, I went to the downtown market to buy my breakfast, Goldie went as well, although he was enjoying his meal.
When I was paying for the stuff I bought, I heard someone called my name, it was Pete, he was never taken seriously, however, he was one of my best friends, he was always telling crazy stories, maybe that’s why not everyone trusted him. He was running towards me, the look in his face was alarming, he was obviously scared. “Chris! Chris! You won’t believe me this time! I think we are in trouble”, I tried to calm him down, that didn’t seemed to work, he was screaming. He told me that there was some kind of new weird creature trying to control the whole world, it supposedly lived in the underworld. He also told me he knew where it was hiding and that he would take me there to beat
him. Kris’ POV. I followed Maya all the way through the underworld, until I got to the elf realm. We, the dwarfs were not permitted to go there, and vice versa. In addition I could not permit Maya going there, it was dangerous for a dragon to cross the borderline since the gasses in the atmosphere were different, than the ones she is used to, this could kill her.
-The encounter-
Pete and Chris were walking to the border line when they saw Kris running around chasing Maya. They obviously didn’t knew who she was, or whose dragon was it. Pete immediately started shouting “SHE! SHE IS THE ONE”, Kris heard what he said, even though she didn’t knew what it exactly meant at the time, Chris ran towards Kris with an angry look on his face. He took out his sword and attacked Kris in her leg, she fell to the ground, she was scared to dead. Before anyone could say a thing, they saw how Pete suddenly turned into some kind of smoke cloud. At that moment, they both knew exactly what was going on. All this time, Pete was the weird creature that threatens the world.