It is very important to make sure you’re aware of the financial obligations before joining one of these organizations on campus. The dues can range anywhere from $100 to $1,000 a semester. It is important to make sure you can handle this financial obligation before joining. Your monthly dues are used to pay for community service/philanthropic events, social events, chapter house usage, parent and alumni events, insurance and national fees, and general chapter fees. Taking advantage of this program provides short-term and long-term benefits. So why choose Greek life? While it does give you a group of friends throughout college, these friendships last a lifetime. Greek Life gives you a home-away-from-home environment and a support system which is very important during your college experience. It pushes you to try new things and get involved. Not only is getting involved encouraged, it is required to join other organizations on campus. This helps with your own personal development and is also a great GPA booster. Not only are you surrounded by a group of people who are pushing you to do your best in school, you are required to maintain a certain GPA. The required GPA varies from each
It is very important to make sure you’re aware of the financial obligations before joining one of these organizations on campus. The dues can range anywhere from $100 to $1,000 a semester. It is important to make sure you can handle this financial obligation before joining. Your monthly dues are used to pay for community service/philanthropic events, social events, chapter house usage, parent and alumni events, insurance and national fees, and general chapter fees. Taking advantage of this program provides short-term and long-term benefits. So why choose Greek life? While it does give you a group of friends throughout college, these friendships last a lifetime. Greek Life gives you a home-away-from-home environment and a support system which is very important during your college experience. It pushes you to try new things and get involved. Not only is getting involved encouraged, it is required to join other organizations on campus. This helps with your own personal development and is also a great GPA booster. Not only are you surrounded by a group of people who are pushing you to do your best in school, you are required to maintain a certain GPA. The required GPA varies from each