“όμοιος ομοίω αεί πελάζει” – the meaning of this Greek expression is similar to that of “birds of a feather flock together,” and with the blue-and-white plume of Greek flags flying proudly on front porches and displayed in shop windows, this expression well portrays the thriving Greek community of Danforth Avenue: redefined on Canadian soil, yet proud of history, heritage, and home. Encounter men and women who left native lands over the last 50 years and eavesdrop on random conversations — you may or may not be able to understand the friendly banter depending on your mastery of Greek. Officially named “GreekTown on the Danforth,” GreekTown, The Danforth, and the Danforth Village are used by locals to describe one of the largest Greek neighbourhoods in North America. Toronto’s Greektown can be found along Danforth Avenue starting from Greenwood Avenu all the way – heading west – just passed Broadview Avenue. Enter into a world of restaurants, cafés, and specialty shops where gyros, souvlaki, and a wealth of authentic Greek fare is readily available — culinary specialties celebrated yearly at the Taste of the Danforth, a weekend festival attracting over a million people amidst lively music and fun activities for the whole family. For dining, shopping, strolling, lounging, or people watching, GreekTown on the Danforth is a warm, inviting community with reasonably-priced homes, great schools, and fantastic parks.
Cut off from the ‘city’ by the Don Valley and Don River, GreekTown on the Danforth was not very Greek or very anything much at all, no more than a sleepy country road amidst farmland; however, the Don River’s water-power potential and the Valley’s rich clay deposits drew brick manufacturers contributing to the growth of the area. The completion of the main thoroughfare — named after Asa Danforth, who built Kingston Road — culminated in the growth and gradual annexation of the Danforth