This essay is about the on fashion attempting of society on help to save the world by buying products that seem to be more environmental harmless, and the consequent efforts that the industries had been made in order to either honestly fulfill this demand or to make dirty profit by labeling normal products as “green” ones. The first paragraph will explain the growth of green products’ demand and how the market is working to attend it. The second paragraph shows how hard is for the customer to differentiate real eco-friendly products from fake ones, and how Greenpeace is helping to alert the consumers of the cheating companies and products. Following this line of thinking, the third paragraph mention the American FTC as the entity with the duty to protect the consumers under the law to have the right of not being tricked by not-so-green products and punish such malicious companies. The credibility of the internet sources on which tis essay is based are explained on the next paragraph, followed by a conclusion to wrap up the contents.
According to Ms Ottman, marketing consultant and author of the book “The new rules of green marketing”, the game played by companies to conquest the consumers’ choice for their products has changed drastically and fastly through the last few years. At her website,, she mentions that the actual demand for products that show to be environmentally friendly has increased because of the consumer attempts to do their part for “saving the world”. The brands had experienced that this “green conscience” of the consumers led them to pay more money for such products. Known this fact, the marketing campaigns appeal to the sense of green, launching more and more products accomplished to follow this philosophy.
Taking advantage of the good intention of the customers to help to save the world, some companies play dirty launching