In addition to support
In addition to support
What is fat? Fat is one of the major nutrients needed in the human body. As soon as somebody mentions fat you automatically think of butter, greasy foods like French fries, and meat. However, oils that are stored at room temperature are fats too. But there is also a good side to fat. We need to keep a healthy amount of it to help our body function properly also if we consume too much of it you could have major health problems.…
In the essay “Don’t Blame the Eater”, David Zincezenko talk about how fast food has contributed to the increasing amount of obese and unhealthy children in the U.S. Over the years many people has tried to sue these fast food restaurants like McDonalds, KFC, and Taco Bell for making them fat. David uses his own personal experience growing up to help bring perspective to everyone of how easy it is for people to choose unhealthy eating habits. He talk about how his mom worked and didn’t really have time to cook, so to make sure he ate she would have him choose something to eat that would be quick and not the most expensive. If you are looking for something that is inexpensive and a “quick buy” then fast food would be the most convenient. He also…
He begins the book by letting readers how much the average American person spends on fast food each year. He points out that that the society spends more money on fast food than higher education. Schlosser then continues the book by giving the history of fast food and gives short stories of several originators of fast food chains such as McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and Kentucky Fried Chicken. The biography of each “pioneer” of a fast food restaurant chain helps to add to Eric Schlosser’s logos appeal while adding interest to the story. The writer also uses an abundance of numerical data and facts to support his writing. For instance, when explaining the growth of fast food in society, Schlosser writes, “In 1970, Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000, they spent more than $110 billion”(Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.…
The Mississippi Valley is a land of rich history and what is now the state of Illinois is full of interesting stories from its past. However one of those stories dating back from 700 A.D, tells of a culture named the Cahokia and is shrouded with a mysterious past. The rise and fall of this ancient culture has captured the interest of people around the world. Their gigantic man made mounds and artifacts of a once powerful culture that disappeared without a trace has been one of the largest mysteries of this nation.…
David Zinczenko’s essay, “Don’t Blame the Eater,” (New York Times, November 23, 2002) emphasizes the idea that the large conglomerates may be held accountable for some legal responsibility for the skyrocketing rate of obesity in America within children. He uses anecdotal evidence from his past to argue that it is not the consumer’s fault that they are experiencing health issues, it is the multinational corporations that own the most well known fast food restaurants. Zinczenko starts by saying that he has been a victim of these large conglomerates as a younger boy. He states that he had a daily task of choosing where to have his lunch and dinner between four well-known fast food chains. Zinczenko also shares that he lost…
Most of us have all heard of the Donner Party. They were the group of traveling families, trying to reach the new land. Along the way, they were said to have partaken in cannibalism to survive harsh winters. Recent studies are trying to prove if in fact all of the survivors had joined in the cannibalism. If in fact they were all cannibals or not, only time and more extensive research can tell.…
The golden arches, the taco bell dog, the Wendy’s girl, and many other symbols have become well known in our society. Everywhere you turn there is a fast food restaurant waiting to take your order. With Americas growing obesity rate you would think peoples willingness to eat fast food would die down, but it has not. I chose the documentary, Supersize Me because it shows what fast food does to our bodies and I think that Americans need to see those horrible effects. The film, Supersize Me, follows Morgan Spurlock who sets out to eat McDonalds three times a day for thirty days straight and if given the option to supersize his meal, he has to say yes. The documentary Supersize Me shows the negative results of eating fast food…
What is the value of freedom? Not the effort of achieving freedom but the extent of its value. Should an individual control every aspect of their life or should they not? This is an important question when it comes to the fast food industry. Fast food annual revenue is an outstanding 170 billion dollars per year: diabetes has never been higher and yet we are still pondering on a problem that has not been resolved. The problem between people and fast food has been a recent problem in the Unites States with the industry continually growing. The root of the problem is that people are not in taking fast food at a moderate rate and the obesity index is climbing exponentially. This crisis is hard to stop because we all consume food and it’s needed for survival. In the United States you cannot deny a person the right to eat what they want. But yet it’s obvious that the fast food industry has the upper hand when it comes to people picking food. Propaganda techniques like offering toys for the young and advertising around every corner makes it hard for someone to resist the “perks” of fast food. David Zinczenko the editor and chief of Men’s Health explains his point of view of the fast food crisis in his article “Don’t Blame the Eater”. He doesn’t present a solution but his points are crucial to help stop this epidemic.…
In the essay “The Big Fat Case Against Big Macs,” Ellen Goodman doubts that the best lawyers can prove that fast food companies, like McDonald’s and Burger King, are the causes that make many people become overweight and have health problems, but they can prove that fast food companies fooled their consumers, especially young kids. For example, McDonald’s uses toys as attractions to make kids buy its meals. She also states that fast food companies put slogans to make kids think that eating their “Big Kids Meal” will make them…
Fast food is now served not only at restaurants and drive-thrus but also at stadiums, airports, college campuses, and elementary schools, cruise ships, trains and airplanes …” The passage follows by briefly reminding readers of the astronomical amount of money that people spend on fast food. Last year, over 100 billion dollars’ worth of fast food was purchased. Lastly, the passage introduces a stunning fact that states that Americans spend more money on fast food than they do on computers, education, software, etc. An even more-jaw-dropping fact is that if expenses for magazines, books, movies, videos, music and potentially more were put together, it still wouldn’t come close to the colossal amounts of money gained from consumers to benefit the fast-food industry. The Omnivore’s Dilemma contains similar aspects to those displayed by the article. For…
The only entity fast food restaurants desire is money. They do not care about health, weight, or medical problems. Fast food is everywhere, also “ there are more than 160,000 fast food restaurants in America. More than fifty million customers are served per day” (Zinczenko 464). These statistics are outrageous and embarrassing for Americans. The food these companies produce is horrible in nutrition and damaging for one’s health. Even though fast food is tempting, one should stay far away from it as possible. In David Zinczenko article “Don’t Blame the Eater,” he has his own personal experience as an example for people, specifically teenagers, to stay away from fast food. Although fast food produces delicious products, these products contain blinding nutrition facts, and the companies mainly target teenagers.…
Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser is an informative book on how fast food has taken an important place in our country, and how our country depends on it to run functionally. Schlosser uses facts and his own opinions, along with biographies to better explain fast food. The book describes the way fast food came into our country, and how it gradually grew into the nation’s top industry. It also shows how chain stores like McDonald’s target children through their advertisement. The book unravels secrets about fast food and how it cannot be removed.…
Obesity is often discussed as a growing concern in America and risen from an area of concern to an epidemic in a short period of time. As obesity rates continue to climb, so does advice for how to manage it. Today I will bring to light some of that advice offered from two articles that provide wisdom towards handling obesity: Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko and What You Eat Is Your Business by Radley Balko. While both articles discuss logical view points, I will point out Balko’s rationale for making his point more effective than Zinczenko’s.…
Growing up I have always lived in a very small town, just to the north of our beloved city Chicago. It was a huge city full of hustle and bustle. Whenever I would visit the city I would feel so rushed, and crowded. Now that I’m older I am used to a fast paced life. I always drive to school, I am always on a busy campus, and I always am being pulled in so many directions it makes my head spin! I can see the highs and lows in the whole MDoS (McDonaldization of Society).It truly is something that a lot of us have grown accustomed to. Whether it be a fast food restaurant or a store, these small shops has grown into large conglomerates to supply us with two things. Convenience and low prices. But unfortunately, when it comes to most places you can’t always find quality with quantity. Because even though it tastes good (sometimes) McDonalds is not good for anyone who eats it. I have fallen victim to the sirens call of their new spicy chicken sandwich they’re only a dollar so I don’t have to pay much money to get more than one to fill myself. In a society that caves to good deals because of how expensive and time consuming everything is. People have no time to actually sit down and eat at the table with their families, or even cook the meals to start.What I’m trying to get at is, that we really brought this upon ourselves whether we like it or not. It’s not something that will easily go away, and to be honest I don’t think it ever will.MDoS consists of these four things.…
America is beginning to become more dependent on fast food companies, because of the low prices, and a quick meal, many families are turning into the drive thru for a rapid fix to a late night meal. With fast foods’ growing popularity, obesity is also becoming a growing problem. Everyone blames each other for the obesity epidemic, but no one can take the blame and accept that it is possibly our faults.…