Laura Klinke
BAMBA 2010
Table of Content
I. Executive Summary 3
II. List of Figures 4
III. List of Appendices 4 1. Introduction 5 2. About Greggs 5 3.1. The History 5 3.2. Greggs in Numbers 6 3.3. Greggs Foundation 6 3.4. SWOT-Analyse 7 3. PESTEL – Analyses 8 4.5. Australia 8 4.6. Canada 9 4.7. India 9 4.8. Ireland 10 4.9. PESTEL-Evaluation 11 4. Market Entrance Strategy Ireland 12 5. Marketing Mix 13 6. Conclusion 13 7. Bibliography 15 8. Appendix
I. Executive Summary
This report is an assignment in the course International Marketing Strategy. It is about the British company Greggs, a well-known bakery retailer in the United Kingdom. Greggs wants to expand its business into a foreign market. The author had the choice between for countries – Ireland, Canada, Australia and India. In the report it is the task to find the best country to invest in.
With the help of the SWOT analyse the author was able to find out the strength and weaknesses as well the opportunities and threats of Greggs. This will help to choose the suitable country.
After this, the author was able to find the optimal country with the aid of the PESTEL framework.
After finding the right country to expand to the author will describe the ideal market entrance strategy and a optimal marketing mix to be successful.
II. List of Figures
Figure 1: Greggs Logo: Greggs (2010) Home [Online] [Accessed: 02/11/2010]
Figure 2: SWOT-Analyse (own figure)
Figure 3: Flag of Australia: Wikipedia (2010) Australia [Online] [Accessed: 07/11/2010]
Figure 4: Map of Australia: Wikipedia (2010) Australia [Online]
Bibliography: * Duncan Baird Publishers (2002) Australia: Eyewitness Travel Guides London: Duncan Baird Publishers * Duncan Baird Publishers (2004) Canada: Eyewitness Travel Guides London: Duncan Baird Publishers * Duncan Baird Publishers (2004) Ireland: Eyewitness Travel Guides London: Duncan Baird Publishers * Durmmond, G., Ensor, J * Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2002) Exploring Corporate Strategy. 6th ed., Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited * Taliashvili, G., (2009) Joint Venture Company – JVC under German and UK jurisdictions, 1st ed., Norderstedt: GRIN Verlag Web Page * Wikipedia (2010) “Home” [Online] * Greggs (2010) “Home” [Online]