But more towards Grey’s and how women and gender are represented I would have to say that the hospital has always been a more dominant workplace and men are always the ones that are doctors and women were nurses, but grey’s discriminates that stereotype because the ratio between men and women as being attending doctors were even, and just in general for interns there were more women in the end. In the article A Feminist Critique on Grey’s Anatomy by the True American Stories it gives great input about Shonda and how she is a genius and what this show is displaying, it reads “I would say that, Shonda Rhimes is one of the leaders of this “broader trend” of breaking down stereotypical gender norms and race norms frequently science on T.V. Her in the particular show Grey’s Anatomy , tears down the stereotypical identities and ideologies in our society in such as way that as a viewer you escape the awfully judgmental and male dominated culture we live in”. (1) This shows has two specific qualities that constantly seems to be shown and that is privilege and …show more content…
To be a surgeon is a competitive field and women are always the ones underestimated due to their intelligence, and get snippy remarks like shouldn’t you be working in the nursing unit, or in an easier field like Pediatrics. This is something that is not only faced on the show but in real life as well and it seems as this field grows stronger women are beginning to prove everyone who ever doubted them. The women of Seattle Grace hospital are ones like no other these are women that have high aspects of intelligence, courageousness, and enthusiasm but the one thing that is constantly pointed to them is intersectionality. Women of this hospital like Miranda Bailey, Erica Haun, Arizona Robbins, and Kali Torres are the doctors of this hospital that give you the impression that nothing is impossible, these women are shown of in the show as strong and very smart and always listening to themselves over others because they all were the top students of their