There are three things in life I learned in this film which was somewhat, a life-changing for me. The first one was choices and living on its consequences. We are granted to have a free-will to be used for our own purpose. May it be bad or good but what’s really important here is living on its consequences. If it happens that u choose bad/good, then you are responsible for your consequences and how you deal with it just like how those thugs on the juvenile detention centers who made the wrong choices in the first place since they were there but the important scene there was how they face their consequences. They could have just sat there and ignore the opportunity of playing American Football. They are thugs, why would they play football in the first place? But they show how they deal what they made wrong. The second thing I learned in life was, there will always be downfall. A great line from Dwayne Johnson or Coach Sean Porter in film, “you get to the point where you screw up, expect to fail but if we want to win we got to let them go. Forgive em and move on!” speaking towards his star player Jade Yorker or Willie
There are three things in life I learned in this film which was somewhat, a life-changing for me. The first one was choices and living on its consequences. We are granted to have a free-will to be used for our own purpose. May it be bad or good but what’s really important here is living on its consequences. If it happens that u choose bad/good, then you are responsible for your consequences and how you deal with it just like how those thugs on the juvenile detention centers who made the wrong choices in the first place since they were there but the important scene there was how they face their consequences. They could have just sat there and ignore the opportunity of playing American Football. They are thugs, why would they play football in the first place? But they show how they deal what they made wrong. The second thing I learned in life was, there will always be downfall. A great line from Dwayne Johnson or Coach Sean Porter in film, “you get to the point where you screw up, expect to fail but if we want to win we got to let them go. Forgive em and move on!” speaking towards his star player Jade Yorker or Willie