This submission is my reflection on the first two weeks of lecture and text readings, including Grief counseling and grief therapy: A handbook for the mental health practitioner (4th ed.), Worden and Two kisses for Maddy: A memoir of loss & love, Logelin, and the class lecture from May 19 and May 26.
Personal baggage:
During my life there has been loss and unresolved grief in close relationships including, family, friends, and co-workers. My sister and I are the only remaining family and she and I have become estranged in part due to my unresolved grief. In my first career, I experienced the unresolved loss of co-workers and close friends, Sept. 8, 1994 with the USAir flt. 427 accident in Hopewell Township. As part of the Critical …show more content…
Task I: Accept the reality of the loss; In all of my grieving I was able to accept the loss, even while I was away during my father’s death and preparation for his funeral. Task II: Process the pain and grief, the author uses the term “Schmerz” to identify physical as well as emotional and behavioral pain (Worden, 2009, pp. 43-44). I do not believe I ever experienced any physical pain but I never adequately acknowledged the existence of psychological pain and grief. Task III: Adjust to the world without the deceased. I skipped this task completely after my father’s death as we had little contact after my mother died. I did not appropriately identify who I was without my parents and I at times identify as an orphan. I do however feel that approximately six months after my father’s death I began to connect with a higher purpose and reframe the world and my place in it. Finally, Task IV: Find a connection with the deceased while embarking on a new life. This is one step that I am making headway. It is important to reframe the current direction of my life and I often think of my parents and grandparents and how they would view my accomplishments. Pursuing my education is personally rewarding and I often reflect on how my family would view my