In sessions students will often ask, will you tell anyone or you can’t tell my mom and so forth. When students have any such concerns about confidentiality the sign would serve as a great resource that she would just point to and say anything you say here stays in here unless you are being hurt, you want to hurt yourself or you want to hurt others which is what the nicely designed sign says. When students see this plastered on the wall and the way Lissa enforced it they automatically felt at ease and also later felt more comfortable to come back and see if they had other
In sessions students will often ask, will you tell anyone or you can’t tell my mom and so forth. When students have any such concerns about confidentiality the sign would serve as a great resource that she would just point to and say anything you say here stays in here unless you are being hurt, you want to hurt yourself or you want to hurt others which is what the nicely designed sign says. When students see this plastered on the wall and the way Lissa enforced it they automatically felt at ease and also later felt more comfortable to come back and see if they had other