It is important to encourage children and young people to recognise and value creativity to enable the children and young people to make decisions by themselves, to learn from their mistakes and to be able to learn to make choices. This may be from choosing which materials to use in craft, from choosing how to dance to a piece of music and making their own musical instruments. It allows the child to be able to express themselves and to be able to think about new ideas and encourages the child to try new ideas and things.
3.1 Identify potential resources to support children and young people to take part in organised creative activities.
Potential resources to help support the children taken part in organised creative activities area;-
1. Raised garden bed in the outside area with compost, spades and seeds with watering cans
2. CD for the children with a selection of musical activities, such as movement and action songs, action rhymes and story cds with books available to read along with the CD.
3. Story sacks, to enable the child to re-enact in their own way with props a story.
4. musical instruments, including drums, shakers, tambourines, xylophones, boomwhakers, triangles and recorders, to enable the children to express themselves
5. Paper, pens, paint, scissors and different texture papers, materials and other scrap items. Boxes to junk model.
6. Large cardboard boxes and tubes, enabling the children to use them in imaginary play as anything they want them to be, such as a bus, a boat, a plane etc.
7. ribbons and scarfs to allow the children to dance to music using the ribbons and scarf to express themselves.
8. Using the ICT equipment to use computer programs and games.
9. Baking and cooking and preparing fruit snacks, such as biscuits or fruit kebabs
10. Circle spots to use as stepping stones and create stories