Larry Sullivan
June 14, 2013
Benefits of Conflict among Team Members
Conflict is inevitable in the workplace. Countless documents research conflict and their important determinant in team building and team resolution. Tjosvold states, “For formulating strategy, avoiding disasters, and strengthening relationships, conflict has proved invaluable.”(13) Does conflict hinder a team’s ability to produce resolution in differences? Can differences in opinions create stronger relationships and produce effective and efficient outcomes? In summation, can conflict among team members be a useful tool for leaders to resolve differences, create stronger relationships and produce effective and efficient outcomes. Research on cooperative conflict and group performance will provide evidence to conclude that conflict can benefit team members. The first step necessary to prove the thesis will be to provide studies that include evidence and research results in favor of the proposed. The diagram below shows the correlation among team leaders and positive conflict from team members:
Literature Review on Conflict among Teams Jehn and Mannix define conflict as “awareness on the part of the parties involved of discrepancies, incompatible wishes, or irreconcilable desires.” (Jehn and Mannix 238) Since conflict is something that is avoided and shunned in the workplace, it is a harder and difficult theory to test this idea out. Conflict brings upon critiquing, integrating and consequences among team members. Team mates will often search within, using cognitive conflict and intrapersonal to challenge their own positions. Next, integration opens their eyes to see from different viewpoints. Lastly, conflict brings upon consequences: the arguments and perspectives from different people bring about challenge and help to develop new concepts that have emerged. (Tjosvold 16). The literature review research does support the thesis
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