when you are just getting to know your team you can often find individuals will single themselves out and have their guard up and not really contribute within the group to say what’s on their mind, letting it build which could lead to the teams creativity being stopped or even not speaking up over an issue could make others continue making mistakes by not having joint efforts to explore ideas may hinder success. It’s vital that during group meetings we use/ have a set of rules which need to be followed such as when someone speaks we need to not interrupt, but listen out of respect for each others input, however it can be difficult for individuals who find it hard to interact and communicate during these meetings. However this can also have a positive aspect as it is exactly these differences that make up the team dynamic and can contribute to its success as well as its failure.
The following 4 steps may help a team overcome these barriers:
• Setting clear and direct goals and how these will be measured /achieved .
• Effective teamwork depends on each person contributions to the team.
• Provide the team with the opportunity to address concerns, looking at individual strengths and weaknesses.
• Address team issues with open discussions in a team meeting and address problems with individuals privately. Keep conflict at bay by providing regular feedback so the team stays on track.