Project Introduction:
The course project aims at providing you an opportunity to implement your learning about group dynamics.
This hands-on part of our class enables you to enhance and develop your skills and techniques of group dynamics, helps you be more competent in an actual group process, and enables you to see the value of teamwork. Collaboratively, the team will work on becoming a team with proactive techniques, diverse ideas, and problem-solving skills. These skills are of great value in today’s workplace.
The project is split into the following two parts. Each project part requires you to work individually as well as in groups.
Project Part
Individual Task and Deliverable
Group Task and Deliverable
Part 1 (due
Complete the self-assessment
Choose the topic of research for Project Part 2
Deliverable: Individual answers to the
Deliverable: None
in Module 3)
self-assessment tasks
Create a team charter
Deliverable: Team charter document
Part 2 (due
Research around the chosen theory
Collaborate with your team to create a group
in Module 5)
and explain how it relates to your
career goals
Deliverable: Group PowerPoint presentation
Deliverable: Individual PowerPoint presentation Your instructor will divide the class into teams of four to five students in Module 1. Communication will occur in a group forum set up by the instructor in the team discussion forum. Note that this group forum is separate from the graded discussion forums or course lounge. Your instructor may suggest optional or
alternative ways to enhance communications, such as chat rooms, phone conferences, Google hangout,
Skype, and so on.
The project will be graded uniquely for each student even though you will be working in a team. The grading will be based on your own quality of individual work, communication with your fellow team members, and participation within your team for the project tasks. Although