Groupon is an online coupon that allows a customer who subscribes from to purchase or buy a definite service from a local business at a flat discount rate from 50 % to 90 %. A new Groupon is to be sent to the online subscribers each day and it has to be purchased before the specified time limit and it should have a minimum number if the buyers are decided before the deal is on and when the minimum number of subscribers wants the deal then the deal is said to be completed. The market for Groupon is the internet users or the online subscribers as it send the Groupon from various local businessmen to the online subscribers to get discount.
When the Groupon is sent to the online subscribers they have definite time to subscribe the deal and pre decided minimum subscribers for the deal when the minimum number of subscribers wants the deal is reached the deal is said to be completed and the customers are charged for the deal and they receive the discount through e-mail or applications. And the Groupon gets 50 % of the revenue generated from the daily deals.
a. What does Groupon do that makes businesses willing to pay for its services? The first reason it makes businesses to pay for its services is that any company or business wants customers and Groupon sells them new customers by giving the customers 50-90% discounts. And it makes the customers to share the deal to various social networking websites. Secondly Groupon has given exposure to the local business through daily e-mailed deals, bringing the Groupon customers to the doors of each participating business. Groupon could bring large number of customers to the store with the single event if the Groupon deal becomes very popular.
b. Why is Groupon such a big deal? That is, why should consumers pay attention to what Groupon has to offer?
Groupon gives the subscribers discount from 50 %