History :
Groupon is a deal-of-the day website created in 2007 by Andrew Mason and it’s based on the concept of group purchase. Groupon became ‘Groupon City deal’ by acquiring the company ‘City deal’, which was a copy of the concept of Groupon in Europe. The firm is located in more than 40 countries in the world.
Description :
The concept is very simple ; indeed, it gives the opportunity to the customers to take advantage of strong discount on a limited duration. There are offers called ‘deals’ which are put on line during 24 hours (or a litlle bit more) and that concern sectors of the well-being, the restoration, travel and leisure activities.
The buyers pay directly the ‘deals’ on the website Groupon.fr. Then, they receive a voucher which allow them to use their “deals” according to the duration of validity registered on this one
Organisation of the company : * Commercial department :
This service is composed of 250 commercials in France. It’s the most important department in the company beacause they have to negotiate offers with their "Partners" and then , they put it on the site Groupon.fr. * The financial service:
This service has to manage the coupons to paid to the partners or refund customers who were unable to take advantage of their vouchers. * Marketing department :
This service is in charge of the announces on the webite and they strategically define the day of publication of deals. * Presales: Very numerous. Their missions is to enrich the database of the commercial. They have to be compétitive , that’s why there are 2 or 3 persons are in each city.
Business model :
Groupon offers to the customers one good or service per day/per city in each following market concerned. These offers have reduction of 50 to 90%.
Offers are on the website or send to the subscribers.
The key for the group purchase is on the fact that customer’s received their product only if a