Grover Cleveland is the greatest president in American History. Grover Cleveland is one of the greatest presidents, because he represents the most honest president. This honesty is so apparent that biographers are still talking about it years after his death. For example Allan Nevins said about Grover Cleveland a century later, “His honesty was of the undeviating type which never compromised an inch.”2 Another biographer said that, “Some presidents never met a principle they wouldn’t abandon for electoral gain. Cleveland, principled to the bone, was of a different breed.”3 Today’s people
Grover Cleveland is the greatest president in American History. Grover Cleveland is one of the greatest presidents, because he represents the most honest president. This honesty is so apparent that biographers are still talking about it years after his death. For example Allan Nevins said about Grover Cleveland a century later, “His honesty was of the undeviating type which never compromised an inch.”2 Another biographer said that, “Some presidents never met a principle they wouldn’t abandon for electoral gain. Cleveland, principled to the bone, was of a different breed.”3 Today’s people