Amongst being raised during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, and the living in the poor treatment of women Juliaia Afghan serves as a gentle yet mighty defender for peace. Living with the trauma of being shot in the head at the age of14 Jumila knew that it was definitely a time were change is in need. Growing up in Afghanistan she saw what goes on in the everyday life of someone living there. She knew what needed to be changed and what she can do that will be accepted in her community towards that change. She recognized that beginning at the grassroot level of being a peacebuilder would be most accepted by her community because she can identify with local needs more than any outsider ever will.
In the 1990 during the Afghan civil war, Jumila saw all destruction as a reason to fled Kabul. She fled Kabul and settled in Peshawar. Then earned both her bachelors, and masters at the University of Peshawar in phsicology. She knew what it was like to grow up somewhere where women aren’t respected, where women weren’t educated she knew the …show more content…
Jumila taking that first step as a social worker was also her taking her first step in her career as a peacemaker. Along with concentrating on the basic need of the camp she also taught Qur’anic education classes. During these Qur’anic education classes most of the women were reading and writing for the first time in their lives. It was during her time at the refugee camp that she got a chance to see firsthand the poverty and the destruction of education that the majority of women were going through in Afghanistan. Being able to host the Qur’anic education classes in the refugee camp in Pakistan motivated her even more to make a