First, the systems in the U.S.'s plan of government protect against tyranny through federalism. According to Madison, federalism is the division of power between central and state governments (Doc A). This helps guard against tyranny because it helps prevent the national government from overruling the states, and the states from overruling the national government. There are reserved powers given to the states, and delegated powers given to the national government (Doc A). States deal with local issues, while the national government deals with foreign issues. This way, …show more content…
All powers, legislative, executive, judicial, are separate branches (Doc B). This is so one person or group cannot accumulate all of these powers and become an absolute ruler. The three separate branches can check on each other (Doc C). Since they are separate, they have different powers that can act against each other, assuring that one branch can’t always get their way. One branch can make a decision but might need another branch to approve it. For example, only Congress can make laws, but the president must approve them, in order for them to actually become a law. Separation of powers helps guard against tyranny, by making sure one group or individual can’t obtain enough power to become a supreme