(Farrell). When their friends die they blame themselves and felt guilty, however, when enemies die they blame on the war, but they still feel guilty because the murder someone. After Lavender dies, they march to a village, Than Khe, to clear out everyone and everything in the village. They killed the elders, young people, dogs, and the chickens too- they want to feel safe. Around the border of the village there was a man, Tim popped a grenade and threw it; the grenade killed the man instantly: it was Tim’s first kill. He felt guilty that he had killed the man: his intention was to scare the man
(Farrell). When their friends die they blame themselves and felt guilty, however, when enemies die they blame on the war, but they still feel guilty because the murder someone. After Lavender dies, they march to a village, Than Khe, to clear out everyone and everything in the village. They killed the elders, young people, dogs, and the chickens too- they want to feel safe. Around the border of the village there was a man, Tim popped a grenade and threw it; the grenade killed the man instantly: it was Tim’s first kill. He felt guilty that he had killed the man: his intention was to scare the man