These are two of many different stories that are produced monthly by the magazine American Rifleman. Every issue gives 4 to 7 stories on how handgun's save lives everyday. There are many people who believe that a handgun can save your life, but there also people who believe that they are just used for bad guys to kill. The Constitution states that we have the right to keep and bare arms, but there are some groups that have decided that is not right. They will do whatever it takes to change Amendment 2.
This year there was a new gun law added to the long list of gun laws. In Colorado and Oregon the law was passed with a huge margin. The law states that you can not buy a gun at a gun show without a background check, and for it to be a gun show there only needs to be 3 or more people. So, in other words many of the police officers in the world will now be breaking the law when the switch guns with other officers. For instance, there are four officers standing around at the police station, and a couple of them decided to try out each others gun for a day or two. Under this new law, the officers have now broken the law. Many gun owners say there is no need for this new law. The NRA and many other pro-gun groups did everything they could try and make sense of it to people. Even after spending almost 2 million dollars, they still failed. (Kleck). Sarah Brady, Chair of Handgun Control, Inc, was quoted when she said, "