Chapter 15 - Taste
Taste Versus Flavour
Retronasal Olfaction
• The sensation of an odour that is perceived when chewing and swallowing forces an odourant in the mouth, up behind the palate into the nose.
• Such odour sensations are perceived as originating from the mouth, even though the actual contact of odourant and receptor occurs at the olfactory epithelium
• The combination of true taste (sweet, salty, sour, bitter) and retronasal olfaction
Taste Versus Flavour
Retronasal Olfaction
• The sensation of an odour that pis perceived when chewing and swallowing force an odourant in the mouth up behind the palate into the nose.
• Such odour sensations are perceived as originating from the mouth, even though the actual contact of odourant and receptor occurs at the olfactory epithelium
• The combination of true taste (sweet, salty, sour, bitter) and retronasal olfaction
Both Taste and Smell Taste Alone
Coffee Wine Vinegar Cherry Whiskey Lemon Molasses Onion Garlic Water
25 50 75 100
Mozel, M. M., Smith, B., Smith, P., Sullivan, R., & Swender, P. (1969). Nasal chemoreception in flavour identification. Archives of Otolaryngology, 90, 367-373.
natomy and Physiology of the Gustatory System
Taste buds are housed in the papillae
• Any of multiple structures that give the tongue its bumpy appearance. From smallest to largest, the papilla types contain taste buds are fungiform, foliate, and circumvallate
Taste buds contain multiple taste receptor cells (TRC)
• A cell within the taste bud that contains sites on its apical projection that can interact with taste stimuli
- Some interact with charged particles
(e.g., sodium and hydrogen ions)
- Others interact with specific chemical structures Papillae
Filiform Papillae
• Have no taste function
• They contain keratin, and continuously grow like our hair - In cats, used to hold animals, scrape meat off bones,