Throughout his argument it seems that he focuses primarily on the existence of evil to support his non belief in God. He started off immediately in this argument by stating that because of the evil that exists in this world that if we are to say there was a creator he was either a "malevolent powerful being or a well-intentioned muddler." [1] He automatically places the blame of evil on a creator if one exists. However, I have to ask myself if a creator does not exist where did evil come from, what is the cause …show more content…
McCloskey would explain the historical facts that point to the existence of Jesus and the miracles he performed while on this earth. The existence of Christ is not just faith based but is historically based. For the atheist to claim that our argument on God's existence does not prove that it is possible that God exists brings up the question that then the atheist must claim that it is impossible for God to exist. [3] That then poses the question, is that claim something that the atheist is willing to …show more content…
Either I am not a "typical" Christian or for such a seemingly intelligent man he has went out on a limb by making stereotypical claims about what a Christian does and does not believe. I personally do not find religion comforting at all. I find the peace of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit comforting, within the scope of a relationship with Christ. True Christianity has nothing at all to do with religion. I know many "religious" people that no more exhibit the love and fruits of the Spirit than a tin can. Religion has never comforted me in my time of need, the church has never comforted me in my time of need. The knowledge I have when I wake up in the morning, that Christ lives within me and the comfort he gives through the Holy Spirit is what gets me through. That's the one thing about atheism that I just do not understand. How can you bear to open your eyes in the morning if you do not have that hope and that comfort. In some ways it appears to me that he confuses Christianity with doctrines that do not believe in medical assistance when ill. His statements on pain being the punishment of sin by God, or that animals and children do not experience pain, is something that is beyond my scope of understanding and nothing that I would attribute to "Christianity". In his last paragraph he talks about how if his daughter were