Sarah Wegner
November 2, 2014
Rachel Smith
HSM Law Profile Paper
As a human service worker, it is your duty to always have up-to-date knowledge about the laws, regulations, and the rights of the people you are serving and your rights as a worker as well. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is one that in the Human Service field, is one of those laws you should always be following.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed in 1996 by congress to protect the privacy and health information of patients in hospitals, clinics and many other human service organizations (Health Information Policy, n.d.). HIPAA affects the day-to-day operations within the human service …show more content…
People can receive handouts regarding information about HIPAA, as well as on the internet. There are plenty of online websites that one can go to in order to receive any information they are in search of. Breaking the law can have some major consequences so it is important to understand these laws to their fullest. A good way to avoid this from happening is when you have your patients sign any paper work and they initial anything that has to do with privacy acts, such as HIPPA, be sure to provide them with any packets you may have even if they do not ask for one. Many people tend to just initial everything without even reading what it …show more content…
I always put my mother down as someone who can receive any of my information, even though I am an adult, however when I found out I was pregnant I put my fiancé’s name as well. One day while in the office, the doctor had to make sure she had the paperwork stating that he could be present during my appointments otherwise they would get into trouble. On another day, I had requested my medical records from a doctor to give to another doctor, but there just so happened to be another person with the exact first and last name as myself. By not asking what my birthdate was, they ended up giving me her records; thankfully I hadn’t opened the envelope until going to the other doctor’s office. Once I got there we realized it was the wrong person’s records and the administration office took them because they too could get into trouble if they weren’t properly taken care since the right person hadn’t given consent to release them to