DATE: 5/13/15____________________
STUDENT NAME: Ronald Horne_______________
COURSE NUMBER: IS 3110_____________________
INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Hollis____________________
SCHOOL LOCATION: On line______________________
General Instructions:
1. This is a closed-book, closed-notes quiz. No reference material (including assignments and labs) will be permitted for use during the quiz session.
2. The quiz contains the following types of questions:
Short essay type
3. Please use the separate answer sheet provided to you for marking your answers.
4. Each question is worth two points.
Quiz Questions
1. Define an SLA and state why it is required in a risk adverse organization.
2. Using the user domain, define risks associated with users and explain what can be done to mitigate them.
3. Using the workstation domain, define risks associated within that domain and explain what can be done to reduce risks in that domain.
4. List four compliance laws or regulations or mandates, and explain them.
5. Define risk with a formula. Explain what each variable means.
Student Answer Sheet
DATE: 5/13/15____________________
STUDENT NAME: Ronald Horne_______________
COURSE NUMBER: IS 3110_____________________
INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Hollis____________________
SCHOOL LOCATION: On line______________________
General Instructions:
Answer each question in the space provided below.
1. A service-level agreement (SLA) is a document that identifies an expected level of performance. They used in organizations as a contract of agreement between a service provider and a customer
2. Social engineering Raise User Awareness Unwanted Authority Access Implement Group Policy
3. Malware Install antivirus software Theft Lock computer to desk or encrypt hard drive Network attacks Implement firewall
4. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Policy for any organization that handles health information Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policy in