P3) Carry out a risk assessment in a health or social care setting.
M2) Assess the hazards identified in the health or social care setting.
D1) Make recommendations in relation to the identified hazards to minimise the risks to the service user.
For the purpose of this essay I went to the local mall to observe what hazards there are. I am going to assess the hazards that I identified in this setting and I am going to make some recommendations in relation to the identified hazards to minimise the risk to the service users. According to Excalibur Solicitors ‘There are some common shopping centre accidents that can include the slip accident in the shopping centre at the place where the floor was left wet after being mopped and cleaned. Problems with the escalators and elevators are also one of the causes of common shopping centre accidents.’ The hazards that I identified in the shopping mall included, wet floors, hot food, drinks and hot surfaces, metal knives and forks in the reach of young children, escalators and also the railings on the higher floors.
In 2003 a child safety scheme was launched and the County Mall in Crawley was the very first place in the UK to introduce ‘the pilot Child Safe Zones initiative.’ BBC News, May 2003. The child’s description and a photograph aimed to alert the authorities to cases of missing children as quickly as possible. An annual fee of £10 would mean the parents would each be given an individual identification number for their child and a freephone number to call.
The first hazard that I recognised in the shopping mall was the wet floor in the ladies toilets. This made the floor very slippery and dangerous. I rated the severity and the likelihood of this hazard at 2/3 for each, therefore making the risk of this hazard a 4/9, meaning that this risk is not extremely high. However the severity of the injury cause by this hazard depends on how the individual falls as it can vary for only bruising themselves