Now that you have gained an understanding of the processes that occur in biological systems, you will be to apply your knowledge to demonstrate your knowledge learned in this course.
For the culminating task, you are being asked to prepare a portfolio to showcase your learning. You will complete one artefact for each unit (see below). You will be able to put your portfolio together in the format of your chose (in paper or online). Be as creative as you like but please adhere to the word count guidelines.
#1: Diversity
Human activities affect the diversity of living things in ecosystems Choose a recent newspaper article (within the past 3 years) that shows how humans impact the diversity of ecosystems. Summarize the article in 300 words and explain why you chose your article (be sure to include the original article as well).
#2: Plants
Evaluate the importance of the sustainable use of plants to Canadian society and other cultures
Answer one of the following questions, by conducting research. Your response should not be longer than 250 words and you should provide appropriate evidence (by citing credible references):
How does the local food movement contribute to community development?
How does the re-introduction of native plant species along river banks help to prevent land erosion?
What plant species are considered important in sustaining Canada’s growth in the agricultural sector?
How are plants being used to clean wastewater from fish farms so that the water can go back into local streams?
#3: Animals
The development and uses of technology to maintain human health, are based in part , in the changing needs of society
Choose a technology (advances in dietary products, advances in fitness equipment, advances in transplant technology, advances in diagnostic equipment, etc.). Create a timeline showing how that technology has advanced over