Speeding the pace of innovation
By managing information for 8 product departments and increasing the visibility of development projects, Teamcenter helps shrink timetomarket by 15 percent
Business initiatives
New product development Value chain synchronization Commonization and reuse Knowledge and IP management Regulatory compliance Inspired living proves to be more than a motto As a prestigious white appliance manu facturer ranking in the top four in the world and the number one most valuable brand in China, Haier Group owns more than 240 subsidiaries, over 30 design centers, manufacturing bases and trading companies and has more than 50,000 employees around the world. Haier Group has evolved to be a multi national company with an emphasis on technology, industry, trading and finance. Haier is committed to providing satis factory solutions to global customers and realizing a winwin situation between the enterprise and the user. Speeding the pace of new product development is one of its main objectives. Eight of Haier Group’s product lines are using product lifecycle management (PLM) technology from Siemens PLM Software, a global division of Siemens Automation and Drives, to support innovation and speed timetomarket. The solution was chosen based on Siemens’ excellent reputation in the industry along with the function ality of its products. The PLM implementation was handled by members of Haier’s R&D and IT departments along with 60 key users from eight product lines with support from Siemens. PLM reinforces R & D Haier products include more than 15,100 different specifications and 96 categories. As the business grows substantially, the parts and technical documents multiply at a rate up to 40 percent annually. Before the introduction of PLM solutions, drawing, document and part information were isolated in various systems and thus existed in different versions. Moreover, the group was unable to standardize