Marine Corps grooming standards are in place to conform Marines to a singular uniform look. Another reason for hair regulations is to maintain uniformity within a military population. They keep us from being too eccentric and while in Garrison they help us to keep a professional look about us at all times. They keep us from just “looking like everyone else,” and help us to stay a cut above the rest. Male marines are known as “jarheads” because of their haircuts. Female marines can be pointed out by the tight bun and slicked back hair. Marines throughout history have always stood out from other branches for many reasons one being their grooming. The hair cut regulations are stated as an even fade from 0 to no more than 3” on the top of the head as long as the hair doesn’t interfere with any uniform article. There can be no eccentric designs or anything shaved into one’s head. For females the hair must be wrapped in a tight bun in the center of the back of the head not to exceed 3 inches from the scalp and be no wider than the width of one’s head. Females can wear bangs but they can not fall into the line of sight and can’t affect the wearing of any headgear. For both male and female bleaches, tints, and dyes are authorized as long as they give a natural appearance. Women's hairstyles require non-eccentric styles. Female Marines must be well groomed at all times and when in uniform have to abide by the following guidelines: “Hair may touch the collar, but will not fall below the collar's lower edge. Hair that would fall naturally below the collar's lower edge will be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned. During physical training periods in which physical training clothing is worn, hair will be allowed to fall naturally,
Marine Corps grooming standards are in place to conform Marines to a singular uniform look. Another reason for hair regulations is to maintain uniformity within a military population. They keep us from being too eccentric and while in Garrison they help us to keep a professional look about us at all times. They keep us from just “looking like everyone else,” and help us to stay a cut above the rest. Male marines are known as “jarheads” because of their haircuts. Female marines can be pointed out by the tight bun and slicked back hair. Marines throughout history have always stood out from other branches for many reasons one being their grooming. The hair cut regulations are stated as an even fade from 0 to no more than 3” on the top of the head as long as the hair doesn’t interfere with any uniform article. There can be no eccentric designs or anything shaved into one’s head. For females the hair must be wrapped in a tight bun in the center of the back of the head not to exceed 3 inches from the scalp and be no wider than the width of one’s head. Females can wear bangs but they can not fall into the line of sight and can’t affect the wearing of any headgear. For both male and female bleaches, tints, and dyes are authorized as long as they give a natural appearance. Women's hairstyles require non-eccentric styles. Female Marines must be well groomed at all times and when in uniform have to abide by the following guidelines: “Hair may touch the collar, but will not fall below the collar's lower edge. Hair that would fall naturally below the collar's lower edge will be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned. During physical training periods in which physical training clothing is worn, hair will be allowed to fall naturally,