
What Does It Mean To Be A Gentleman

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Marines represent what it means to be a perfect warrior and a gentleman.
In the 1800’s battles were fought with what is now known as rules of war. A Marine Corps General of a modern army in those days wanted to be seen as a gentleman and therefore demanded the respect that a gentleman would receive both on and off the battlefield. In order to receive that respect, it was said that a battle should be fought humanly or as a gentleman.
Though in most armies only officers were considered gentlemen. The Marines did not support this approach. All Marines were expected to stand and act as gentlemen both on and off the battlefield. There were tactics that where considered to be ethical or humane, such as fighting in an open battlefield so as not to harm women or children. Not attacking non-combatants, such as medical or religious personnel. In time the legacy of Marines spread due to their ability to win battles and at the same time, off the battlefield, demanded the respect of a gentleman.
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The Marine Corps has an extensive history and always strives to keep the legacy alive till this day. The Marine Corps legacy is a vital part of what gives Marines the ability to do what is expected of them on the battlefield today. That legacy is instilled into new Marine Corps recruits through the rigorous training and demands of the Marine Corps top Marines, called Drill Instructors. A Marine Corps Drill Instructor is selected from the top 10% of the Marines Corps finest Marines. They take pride in everything they represent and everything they do. They are the best example of what a Marine recruit should strive to be. New Marines are trained in an extremely diverse environment and are required to obtain certain qualifications during their thirteen-week

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