Markets consist of customers with similar needs. For example, consider the wide variety of markets that exist to meet the following needs
• Eat
• Drink
• Exercise
• Travel
• Socialize
• Educate
As you can imagine, such markets (if they were not further divided) would be very broad.
Customers in a market are not the same. For example, within the market to provide meals, customers differ in the:
• Benefits they want
• Amount they are able to or willing to pay
• Media (e.g. television, newspapers, radio stations) they see
• Quantities they buy
• Time and place that they buy
It therefore makes sense for businesses to segment the overall market and to target specific segments of a market so that they can design and deliver more relevant products and services.
Therefore, to stay focused rather than scattering their marketing resources, more marketers are using market segmentation. In this approach, which falls midway between mass marketing and individual marketing, each segments buyer are assumed to be quite similar in wants and needs, yet no two buyers are really alike.
Market segmentation is one of two general approaches to marketing; the other is mass-marketing. In the mass-marketing approach, businesses look at the total market as though all of its parts were the same and market accordingly. In the market-segmentation approach, the total market is viewed as being made up of several smaller segments, each different from the other. This approach enables businesses to identify one or more appealing segments to which they can profitably target their products and marketing efforts.
This research will discuss about the market segmentation of the ready mix market in Bahrain. A good place to start is by giving an introduction about one of the ready mix concrete suppliers in Bahrain.
Haji Hassan Ready Mix
When it comes to Bahrain, Haji Hassan Ready mix Division is one of the most famous concrete companies. The Haji Hassan Ready Mix