Hamlet, still unsure whether or not he can trust the ghost, whips up a plan to prove his Uncle murdered his father. He decides to make his uncle show him if he is guilty or not with the following plan, “I’ll have these players Play something like the murder of my father Before mine uncle. I’ll observe his looks; I’ll tent him to the quick. If he do blench, I know my course”(2.2.610-614). Hamlet decides that if his uncle “do blench” when he see’s a similar sight to “the murder of” Hamlet’s father in a play, his uncle is guilty. If his uncle is guilty, Hamlet will take “course” to kill him. Hamlet has decided that he needs to live in order to avenge his father, if he really was murdered. Next there is Hamlet’s new view on
Hamlet, still unsure whether or not he can trust the ghost, whips up a plan to prove his Uncle murdered his father. He decides to make his uncle show him if he is guilty or not with the following plan, “I’ll have these players Play something like the murder of my father Before mine uncle. I’ll observe his looks; I’ll tent him to the quick. If he do blench, I know my course”(2.2.610-614). Hamlet decides that if his uncle “do blench” when he see’s a similar sight to “the murder of” Hamlet’s father in a play, his uncle is guilty. If his uncle is guilty, Hamlet will take “course” to kill him. Hamlet has decided that he needs to live in order to avenge his father, if he really was murdered. Next there is Hamlet’s new view on