1. How can parents avoid temper tantrums?
Parents can avoid temper tantrums one way is have a plan before you get into that situation. Parents need to be better prepared and know what's coming they can use the A, B, C'S.
2. What are the A, B, C’ s?
The A, B, C'S is the strategic discipline that you can use. For istance just think of A. Think of an attribute that you want to develop in the life of your child. B is behavior. What is the behavior that you want to go with the attribute? B is what does that attribute look like in the life of your child. C is the consequence positive and negative that relates to the attribute and behavior. If you can't come up with a consequence have the child sit and think of a consequence for themself.
3. Do you think using consequences and following the ABC process will help shape a child’s behavior? Why or why not?
I do think using consequences and following the ABC process will shape a child's behavior because then they will know what's going to happen to them. So if they know then they will act right and do right and will get rewarded for good behavior.
1. What are some of the reasons why people may not talk to babies as much today as they used to?
Some of the reasons why people may not talk to babies as much today as they used to because the different family structure and the busy lives we all lead the fact and we will do our own isolating things in the home we don't congregate in one warm room and have meal times together etc. Parents don't have much more time given in the home to take time to communicate with their child.
2. Why do you think developing language skills is important for a child?
I think developing language skills is important for a child because they would be a good communicator and later have a much better facility for language.
3. What are some of the ways that parents can encourage the development of language skills?
Some ways that parents can encourage the