Rank the countries of the world using criteria that accounts for life expectancy, economic footprint, and experienced well being
Showing that the path towards a happy planet, and in turn happy humans, is all about balance between man, nature, and technology.
1. It quickly become apparent that most nations who are at the top of the list in one category often are at the bottom of the list in other categories
2.Countries in the process of modernization cannot follow the same path as those who did in the 1800's and 1900's
3. Everyone needs to reduce their carbon footprint
One reason we do not live on a happy planet is because of the way energy is distributed. In order to make this better we need to make trade more fair, goods more accessible, and energy cheaper and more renewable. We need to switch to renewable sources of energy because it will both be cheaper for the consumer and less harsh on the environment.
This report emphasizes that the model being exported from early developers to those that are developing now is not economic or sustainable. These new developers need a new method and different goals than those that came before. These nations not only have to rethink their economies but their cultures as well. The psyche of the American consumerism model must be left behind for one that celebrates helping fellow humans and balance with nature .The economic system running the world right now takes into account only profits. This commoditizing of all the planets resources in a pure capitalistic system would cause the world to use all of its resources in a finite amount of time. If everyone lived as Americans did in 2008 we would need 4 planets to sustain such consumption. Humans need to take conservation of wild lands and resources into account when making plans for the