Abatjour is a device, as a skylight, for diverting light into buildings.
Abattoir is a slaughterhouse.
Abecedarian is a person who is learning the letters of the alphabet.
Abeyant means temporarily suspended.
Absorbefacient means causing absorption.
Acaulescent means either stemless or without a visible stem.
Accoucheur is a person who assists during childbirth.
Acquiesce means to comply or submit.
Aerogramme is a pre-stamped, lightweight paper that folds into its own envelope.
Affenpinscher is a breed of dog with wiry hair.
Afrikaans is an official language of South Africa.
Ageusia is the loss of the sense of taste.
Albescent means to become whitish.
Alette (ahleet) is a small wing of a building.
Amethyst is a purple quartz, used as a gem.
Amphitheater is an oval or round building with an open central area.
Ampullaceous means bottle-shaped.
Anathematize means to denounce or to curse.
Androgynous means being both male and female.
Ankh is an Egyptian cross used as a symbol of enduring life.
Anopheles is a malaria-causing mosquito.
Apartheid a rigid policy of segregation in South Africa.
Appaloosa is a hardy breed of riding horse.
Aqueous is of or pertaining to water, watery.
Armoire is a large wardrobe or movable cupboard.
Arrhythmia is any interruption in the heartbeat.
Ascetic is a person who practices self-denial for religious reasons.
Aurochs is a black European wild ox, extinct since 1627.
Autocephalous is a bishop subordinate to no superior authority.
Avuncular pertains to an uncle.
Azimuth is the angle of horizontal deviation of a bearing from a standard direction.
Babiche is a thong used in making snowshoes.
Bacchanal is a drunken revelry.
Bacciferous means bearing or producing berries.
Badinage is light, playful banter.
Bagatelle is something of little value.
Bagheera is a velvet used to make evening wear and wraps.
Baize is a felt used on tops of billiard tables.
Baksheesh is a tip or