Mr. Konen
English 11- 4th
11 Jan. 2015
Hard Work to No Work
Speech Purpose: Discuss and inform my audience about the value of hard work, and how the value of hard work has decreased over time.
I. Intro
a. Welcome, name
b. Talking about the value of hard work and how it changed over time
c. Hard Work
i. Where? ii. When? iii. Why is it not being valued?
II. Start of America
a. Hard work set the foundation to the new country
b. Their hard work (P)
i. Countless hours
1. Manual Labor
a. Pruning trees
b. Tilling the field
2. Intellectual Labor
a. Naming the Animals
c. The foundation setters
i. Lived to work
1. Went to work and enjoyed it
2. Didn’t just work for paycheck
Transition: The foundation to this amazing country was set well through hard work, but where did the value of hard work go?
III. Today’s Society
a. Clock in to pay the bills
b. If Americans
i. Make job priority
1. Get more out of life
c. Recent Survey
i. Of 3,000 people ii. Asked by Aaron Gouveia iii. Survey asked
1. Do Americans Still Value Hard Work? iv. 77% of those individuals chose the alternate choice
1. Money
v. Survey showed most Americans value-
1. Money over hard work vi. Hard work
1. Leads to success (P)
Transition: Americans do not have the right mind set, how and why does that need to change right now for the future?
IV. Hard Work needs to come back and be valued
a. Why?
i. The country was founded through hard work ii. Without hard work, the future will only get worse
b. How can we change?
i. Hard work is learned at a young age ii. Parents need to teach their children
1. Values of hard work
2. Doing one’s best
3. Knowing the value of a hard-earned dollar iii. If hard work is implemented at a young age
1. Growing up and facing problems will be easier to overcome iv. Rich people that work hard are more respected(P)
v. Workers deserve more respect
1. Ex: Dishwashers
a. Work hard
b. Make business run
c. Are the least noticed at the restaurant in most cases
d. If minimum wage was
Cited: Changing Patterns: Faith in Hard Work. 2012. Web. 11 Jan. 2015. Raise the Wage. 2014. Web. 11 Jan. 2015. Success Admired When Achieved through Work. 2012. Web. 11 Jan. 2015. Merchant Ships fill San Francisco Bay. 2014. Web. 11 Jan. 2015. This early photo shows the hard work of the early settlers, they did not have the technology of today, which is showing hard work. Success is almost always a guarantee if a person works hard. Facts on the view on rich people, if they get rich by working hard they are admired. Raising the minimum wage would help the workers work for something.