To: Harley Davidson Executive Team
From: SiL’K Team
Date: 02/09/2013
SUBJECT: Harley Davidson: Enterprise Software Selection
The SiL’K project team recommends that Harley Davidson select a supplier and partner in implementing an enterprise-wide procurement and supplier management system. The selected provider will form a partnership with Harley Davidson to increase collaboration, productivity and sales for Harley Davidson sites and suppliers throughout the country. The SiL’K team has researched and met with several potential suppliers extensively and narrowed the selection down to three suppliers which meet our functional needs.
Currently, the IT atmosphere within Harley Davidson is collaborative and autonomous. The independence given to our facilities has proven successful but not without limitations. Varying methods for handling procurement, Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO), and Original Equipment (OR) have created a diverse array of processes that have contributed to employee dissatisfaction and loss of productivity. Our vision is to implement a centralized system to support the new Supply Management Strategy (SMS) thus allowing the purchasing organization to become a common enterprise wide point of contact with suppliers who would establish a true and long term relationship with Harley Davidson.
The SiL’K team recommends Provider 1 be awarded the bid for Harley Davidson supplier and partner in implementing an enterprise-wide SMS.
Basis for Recommendation: * The software solution offered by Provider 1 has the functional capabilities and the employees have the expertise to implement and support our Supply Management Strategy. * Provider 1 has expertise in change management methodologies, training, and they share Harley Davidson’s values of a casual but competent team environment. * Provider 1 is able to provide intelligent and competent solutions to our business