1- Should Harley-Davidson continue to sponsor the Posse Ride? Why or why not? What role should the Posse Ride play in the HOG events mix?
- Definitely , they should continue to sponsor the posse ride . The experience is not only very beneficial to the Harley-Davidson management, but it is an experience that is forever remembered by the members of HOG. The main reason being bringing a good crowd together with a good amount of business by providing dealership business and triggers the sales of the other related products like Leather Jacket. Also, when outsiders see or hear about the experience they become interested in the company and its extraordinary relationship with its customers.
- Posse rides should play a critical role in the HOG event mix because it offers the best combination of the experiences the other events offer. Rolling rallies offer great adventure experiences, as well as, low costs and destination rallies offer the chance to bring the members closer together as a group. The HOG’s purpose is to create the highest brand awareness possible to Harley- Davidson. For it to do that it must create strategic plans like the Posse Rallies to enhance the experiences of being a Harley Davidson owner. The greater the experience felt, the bigger a sense of tradition. And nothing sells better than tradition. Posse Rides are important tools for HOGS to use in order to build upon Harley-Davidson’s already considerable history of tradition. Also the event gives Harley Davidson a competitive advantage over all other motorcycle brands and it increases customer loyalty substantially. The memories that the Harley riders make when participating in this event and all the events that Harley holds are directly related to the company and its products. This means that if their expectations are met at the events then their likeliness to continue to purchase and stay loyal to the company will continue to increase.
2- How should the Posse Ride be