Harry Truman was born in Independence, Missouri an area that was filled with racial slurs and former slaves. In a letter about his earlier views on race to Bess Wallace he states “I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's honest and decent and not a nigger or a Chinaman. Uncle Wills says that the Lord made a white man from …show more content…
Truman said what people wanted to hear. He said that he would fix racial segregation not because he believed in it, but because he saw the fear within the black community. In an article about the rise and fall of Jim Crow laws it states “He promised African Americans that the federal government would act now to end discrimination, violence, and race prejudice in American life. Shortly afterward, his panel issued its report confirming that segregation, lynching, and discrimination at the polls had to be ended”. In the election of 48 Truman knew that he would need to something controversial and powerful to win, and he used the deeply rooted prejudices of blacks. By saying that we try to end segregation he is winning their trust and hope for a country that respects all. Truman could have been one of the most respected presidents if he didn’t disacknowledge the hardships post-slave blacks. In one of Truman’s speeches he states “It is a farce and a sham…I have voted against the so-called poll tax repeal bill … I have voted against the so-called anti-lynching bill”. When Truman says “so-called” he is saying that he doesn’t believe that happened. One’s race, religion, or place of birth does not give somebody the right to say that the killing of an innocent people did not