Shelley Doodeman
WGU Indiana
Community Health Epidemiology
Community Description and Data
Hendricks County, Indiana is a rapidly growing community located just to the west of Indianapolis. As of the 2010 United States Census, the population of Hendricks County was 145,448 (United States Census Bureau, n.d.). The estimated population in Hendricks County for 2012 is 150,434, an increase of 3.4% (United States Census Bureau, n.d.). The county is primarily Caucasian, followed by African American and Asian (United States Census Bureau, n.d.). The gender makeup of the population is about half female and half male. The average age of the population in Hendricks County is relatively young, at about 36.7 years, with about 35.1% of the population being less than 18 years of age (City-Data, n.d.)
The average household income in Hendricks County is $68,192, nearly $20,000 more than the state of Indiana average (United States Census Bureau, n.d.). Approximately 5.1% of the population lives below poverty level with about 2.8% receiving financial assistance (City-Data, n.d.). There is a high graduation rate from high school, with approximately 93.4% of the county population with a high school diploma. About 31.6% of the population has furthered their education on to a bachelor’s degree or higher (United States Census Bureau, n.d.). The majority of the population works in the private sector followed by governmental workers (City-Data, n.d.). The cost of living index is considered low, at 82.8 compared to the U.S. average of 100 (City-Data, n.d.). The county unemployment rate is 6.5%, compared to 7.4% nationally (City-Data, n.d.).
In 2010 there were 1,728 births in Hendricks County, only 1.7% of them being teen births (Stats Indiana, n.d.). There were 906 deaths in Hendricks County in 2010. The average life expectancy of the community population is 78.1 years of age (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Community
References: City-Data. (n.d.). Comprehensive emergency operations plan: The County of Hendricks, Indiana [Policy]. (2002). Retrieved from City of Avon: County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (n.d.). Scorecard, The Pollution Information Site. (n.d.). Stats Indiana. (n.d.). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Community Health Status Indicators. (2009). United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2013).,39.68240,-86.41051&cLat=&cLon=&pSearch=46168,%20IN