Mustafa Sarli
Educational Leadership
Havelock Model Havelock, in his publication “The Change Agents Guide”, is introducing a road map for those who care about change; clear, practical understanding to many topics such as behavior and organizational development, utilization and transfer of knowledge and implementation of innovation. What he actually did is bringing together thousands of studies on how planned change proceeds more effectively. There are seven stages for a change agent to support a careful, effective, deliberate and intelligent process of change.
Stage 0: Care – The first thing a change agent …show more content…
Once we are all on the same page with the leadership team that a change is needed and we are ready to make any sacrifices to make it happen; now it is time to find resources that would help us through the process. Not benefiting from past knowledge and experience thinking that our project is new and innovative should not be a mistake that we would fall into. We will take advantage of applications of our sister schools which are excellent and we will investigate what other excellent schools did to become successful schools and will not try to reinvent the wheel. Through our research we found out that one of our sister school implemented a software program that boosted student test scores. After our discussions with their instructional team and a meeting with our leadership team we decided that this program will certainly help our students score better on state tests. We will organize workshops to get our staff more acquainted with this new software and share best practices with those who have already implemented this software and benefited from …show more content…
When and how I stop working with the staff and even without my presence as a change agent will they own and continue change? Therefore, I will be successful if I can move the staff toward a self-renewal capacity since the process of change is ongoing. And I believe this is the most important point in the last stage. I shall consider the history of my clients as to whether they are on the forefronts of new developments in education or not if I want to built a successful self-renewal capacity. There are also several things that I could do to keep the change fresh by constantly editing the implementation of software with add-ons, improve the process by including more people in the change process as participants and terminate and move on successfully on the right time and in a right