As a tourist, I was greeted with a Hawaiian garland which is referred to as "Lei" which projected out beautifully vibrant colors which also complimented the floral shirt I wore. Finally reaching to claim my luggage, I gazed upon a sea of people in which you can hear the constant chattering from all around. As I exited the airport, I was met again by the bully called the Sun. As the Hawaiian sun beat down on my skin, warming and sun-bathing my arms and legs in …show more content…
As I waltzed on the beach, squishing down the hot buttery-yellow sand that gave off the hot sensation of a burning grill sizzling my feet, I was immediately taken by the scent of freshly sliced fruits and freshly picked flowers. As you move along, brightly colored fruit stalls filled the sidewalks from which fresh fruit is cut. From a fruit stand, the scent travelled all across the beach with the help of the cool breeze which allowed the scent to fill the air. With my eyes closed, I breathed in the ocean bliss that paraded the beach. As I turn towards the sea, I was amazed. It was a deep blue in some areas but in others a glistening turquoise green. As I made my way towards the water as it laps over each time it reaches to the shore, overhead I heard the frantic screech of seagulls like a sharp knife dragged along a glass. As you dive into the deep blue ocean you can feel and taste the chilly, cool and refreshing water surrounding your body as chills ran down my back. Further from the beach there was a volcano that looked like a giant firework to